Belarusian in Russian Federation




Information available

1. Basics


Belarusian in Russian Federation



2. Status


  • Official country wide language
  • Official regional language
  • Official minority language
  • Recognised community language
  • Unrecognised community language
National language
Indigenous language

3. State

Documentation: materials







Documentation: descriptions


Graphisation & script encoding

4. Users

Geographical distribution

  • Users live and dominate in all regions of the country
  • Users live in one [state/...] of the country
  • Users live in a cross-border region [state/...] of the country
  • Users live in separated [states/...] of the country
  • Users live dispersed across one [state/...] of the country
  • Users live scattered all over the country
Administrative units of the country
Many regions of Russia. Mainly in the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts

Size / Number of users

Number of users

All-Russia Population Census 2020

Users within total population

Less than 1% use the language


Actual percentage
All-Russia Population Census 2020

Users within the reference community

Actual percentage
All-Russia Population Census 2020

Age distribution of users

percentage of members of young generations (< 15)

All-Russia Population Census 2020


Age distribution of users

percentage of members of middle generations (15-65)

All-Russia Population Census 2020


Age distribution of users

percentage of members of older generations (> 65)

All-Russia Population Census 2020


Generational use

Limited to middle and older generations

All-Russia Population Census 2020


Educational attainment

No education
Early childhood education
Primary education
Lower secondary education
Higher secondary education
Tertiary education

Occupational qualifications

Elementary occupations
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
Craft and related trades workers
Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
Services and sales workers
Clerical support workers
Technicians and associate professionals

Language competence

Language not used
Understand little, speak/sign none
Understand some, speak/sign little
Understand well, speak/sign some
Understand all, speak/sign well
Understand all, speak/sign fluently

Literacy of users

Digital use

5. Use

Socio-geographic dimension

Economic dimension

Functional dimension

Functional scope
  • Public domains
  • Everyday domains
  • Private domains
Functional scope
  • Public domains
  • Everyday domains
  • Private domains
Functional scope
  • Public domains
  • Everyday domains
  • Private domains

Functional use in administration


Formal Education

Early childhood education
Primary level
Lower secondary level
Higher secondary level
Tertiary level

Public healthcare

Information, communication and cultural production

  • Information services
  • Broadcasting
  • Video, film
  • Sound/music recording
  • Publishing activities
  • Language not used
According to the data of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Scientific publications
1. Gaponenko, I. V. Space and time in the 'lieutenant prose' of V. Bykov and Y. Bondarev: monograph : 12+ / Iryna V. Gaponenko. — Belarusian/Russian. - Yekaterinburg : Publishing Solutions, 2021 (Other printing houses). - 66 p. ISBN 978-5-0055-1289-5. UDC 821.161.1.09. BBK. 83.3(2=411.2). [KN-E-21-040528] (23.08.2021) Гапоненко, И. В. Пространство и время в «лейтенантской прозе» В. Быкова и Ю. Бондарева : монография : 12+ / Ірына Віктараўна Гапоненка. — белорус./рус. — Екатеринбург : Издательские решения, 2021 (Прочие типографии). — 66 с. ISBN 978-5-0055-1289-5. УДК 821.161.1.09. ББК 83.3(2=411.2). [КН-Э-21-040528] (23.08.2021)
2. Blaszczak, T. Belarusians in the Republic of Lithuania (1918-1940) / Tomasz Blaszczak ; translation from Polish А. Washkevich. - Belarusian / Polish - Smolensk : Inbelkult, 2022 (Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region : Rybinsk Press House). - 392 p. - 500 copies (500) Zak. 982. Format: 70x100/16. In print: 21.02.2022. ISBN 978-5-00076-059-8 (in per.). UDC 94(474.5)(=161.3)«1918/1940». BBK 63.3(4Lit)6. [KN-P-22-040972] (01.06.2022) Блащак, Т. Белорусы в Литовской Республике (1918—1940) / Томаш Блащак ; перевод с польского А. Вашкевича. — белорус./пол. — Смоленск : Инбелкульт, 2022 (Рыбинск, Ярославская область : Рыбинский Дом печати). — 392 с. — 500 экз. (500) Зак. 982. Формат: 70x100/16. В печать: 21.02.2022. ISBN 978-5-00076-059-8 (в пер.). УДК 94(474.5)(=161.3)«1918/1940». ББК 63.3(4Лит)6. [КН-П-22-040972] (01.06.2022)
3. Ambassadors of culture : a collection of works by participants of all-Russian and international competitions Libraries of Foreign Literature / editorial board: V. E. Е. Frolov (responsible editor) [and others]. - English, Belarusian, various languages, Russian / Russian - Moscow : All-Russian State Library of foreign literature named after M. I. Rudomino. M. I. Rudomino, 2022 (Odintsovo, Moscow region : Polymedia). - 86 p. - (Polyphony. Translator's workbook). - 200 ekz. (200) Zak. 90. In print: 18.11.2022. ISBN 978-5-00087-220-8. UDC 821-8. BBK 84(0). [KN-P-22-092562] (23.12.2022) Послы культуры : сборник работ участников всероссийских и международных конкурсов Библиотеки иностранной литературы / редакционная коллегия: В. Е. Фролов (ответственный редактор) [и др.]. — англ., белорус., разн. яз., рус./рус. — Москва : Всероссийская государственная библиотека иностранной литературы им. М. И. Рудомино, 2022 (Одинцово, Московская область : Полимедиа). — 86 с. — (Полифония. Рабочая тетрадь переводчика). — 200 экз. (200) Зак. 90. В печать: 18.11.2022. ISBN 978-5-00087-220-8. УДК 821-8. ББК 84(0). [КН-П-22-092562] (23.12.2022)
  • Information services
  • Broadcasting
  • Video, film
  • Sound/music recording
  • Publishing activities
  • Language not used
According to the data of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Literary and artistic publications
1. Kalinichenko, V. I. Until the falling star is gone : selected works : [poems] / Valery Kalinichenko ; [introductory article by N. Chernyavskiy]. - Belarusian. - Moscow : IPO U Nikitskiye Vorota, 2020 (At Nikitskiye Vorota). - 367 p. - 1000 copies (1000) Zak. 187. Format: 60x84/16. In print: 15.12.2020. ISBN 978-5-00170-162-0 (in per.). UDC 821.161.1(476)-31. BBK 84(4Bei)6-5. [KN-P-21-026369](07.04.2021) Калиниченко, В. И. Пока не погасла падающая звезда : избранные произведения : [стихи] / Валерий Калиниченко ; [вступительная статья Н. Чернявского]. — белорус./белорус. — Москва : ИПО У Никитских ворот, 2020 (У Никитских ворот). — 367 с. — 1000 экз. (1000) Зак. 187. Формат: 60x84/16. В печать: 15.12.2020. ISBN 978-5-00170-162-0 (в пер.). УДК 821.161.1(476)-31. ББК 84(4Беи)6-5. [КН-П-21-026369] (07.04.2021)
2. Strokina, A. I. The Owl Wolf = Савiны воўк = Соволики вук : a fairy tale story : [6+] / Anastasia Strokina ; [translated into Belarusian by D. Kozlovskaya et al. ; translated into Serbian by R. Kostich et al. ; illustrations by M. Begiashvili and others]. - Belarusian, Russian, Serbian. - Moscow : All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after M. I. Rudomino, 2022 (Odintsovo, Moscow region : Polymedia). - 144 p. - (Foreign literature : FL) (Polyphony). - 600 ex. (600) Zak. 87. In print: 10.11.2022. ISBN 978-5-00087-218-5 (inc.). UDC 821.161.1-34. BBK 84(2=411.2)6-44. [KN-P-22-092551] (23.12.2022) Строкина, А. И. Совиный волк = Савiны воўк = Соволики вук : сказочная повесть : [6+] / Анастасия Строкина ; [перевод на белорусский Д. Козловской и др. ; перевод на сербский Р. Костич и др. ; иллюстрации М. Бегиашвили и др.]. — белорус., рус., серб./рус. — Москва : Всероссийская государственная библиотека иностранной литературы им. М. И. Рудомино, 2022 (Одинцово, Московская область : Полимедиа). — 144 с. — (Иностранная литература : ИЛ) (Полифония). — 600 экз. (600) Зак. 87. В печать: 10.11.2022. ISBN 978-5-00087-218-5 (в пер.). УДК 821.161.1-34. ББК 84(2=411.2)6-44. [КН-П-22-092551] (23.12.2022)
3. Bubleyev, V. N. Atamanskii secret = Атаманьскiй съкрет : a story : [12+] / V. N. Bubleyev. - Belarusian/Russian - Vladivostok : Andreyevsky, publishing house, 2023 (Other printing houses). - 186 p. - (Cossack national library). - 500 copies (500) Format: 60x84/16. In press: 10.03.2023. ISBN 978-5-9500294-4-8. UDC 821.161.1-31. BBK 84(2=411.2)6-44. [KN-P-23-018886] (21.03.2023) Бублеёв, В. Н. Атаманский секрет = Атаманьскiй съкрет : повесть : [12+] / В. Н. Бублеёв. — белорус./рус. — Владивосток : Андреевский, издательский дом, 2023 (Прочие типографии). — 186 с. — (Казачья национальная библиотека). — 500 экз. (500) Формат: 60x84/16. В печать: 10.03.2023. ISBN 978-5-9500294-4-8. УДК 821.161.1-31. ББК 84(2=411.2)6-44. [КН-П-23-018886] (21.03.2023)
  • Information services
  • Broadcasting
  • Video, film
  • Sound/music recording
  • Publishing activities
  • Language not used
According to the data of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Educational and methodological publications
1. Yelensky, N. G. Coloring-re-coloring : a manual on the Belarusian language for preparatory classes of schools with the Russian language / N. G. Yelensky, I. Ch. Krasovskaya, N. V. Antonova ; Educational program "Sch. 2100-Belarus" educational program of the National Institute of Education. - Belarusian/Bearusian - Moscow : Balass, 2003 (Typography of the newspaper "Krasnaya Zvezda"). - 48 p. - 6000 copies (6000) Printed: 18.08.03. ISBN 5-85939-321-0. UDC 373.167.1:811.161.3 + 811.161.3(075.2). BBK 81.1Bel-922. [04-36019] (21.06.04)
2. Belarusian language in the 2nd grade : a methodical manual / N. Elensky, N. Antonova, I. Vasilieva, T. Moroz.- Belarusian/Russian. - Moscow : Balass, 2003 (Smolensk Polygraphic Combine branch of the Vysshaya Shkola Publishing House). - 79 p. - 1000 copies (1000) Printed: 18.09.03. ISBN 5-85939-360-1. UDC 373.3.016:811.161.3. BBK 74.268.1Bei. [04-63695] (13.10.04) Белорусский язык во 2 классе : метод. пособие / Н. Еленский, Н. Антонова, И. Васильева, Т. Мороз.— белорус./рус. — Москва : Баласc, 2003 (Смоленский полиграфический комбинат филиал издательства Высшая школа). — 79 с. — 1000 экз. (1000) В печать: 18.09.03. ISBN 5-85939-360-1. УДК 373.3.016:811.161.3. ББК 74.268.1Беи. [04-63695] (13.10.04)
3. Kondrasheva, N. K. Chemical reactors : textbook / N. K. Kondrasheva, E. Yu. Georgieva.- Belarusian, Russian. - St. Petersburg : LEMA, 2016 (St. Petersburg : Lema). - 326 p. - 50 ex. (50) Zak. 4252. Format: 60x84/16. In print: 23.05.2016. ISBN 978-5-00105-028-5. UDC 66.023(075.8). BBK 35.11ya73. [16-54280] (06.07.2016) Кондрашева, Н. К. Химические реакторы : учебное пособие / Н. К. Кондрашева, Э. Ю. Георгиева. — белорус., рус./рус. — Санкт-Петербург : ЛЕМА, 2016 (Санкт-Петербург : Лема). — 326 с. — 50 экз. (50) Зак. 4252. Формат: 60x84/16. В печать: 23.05.2016. ISBN 978-5-00105-028-5. УДК 66.023(075.8). ББК 35.11я73. [16-54280] (06.07.2016)
