Information available
1. Basics
Bamun in Cameroon
2. Status
National language
Indigenous language
Administrative units of the country
Based on actual population of the subdivisions where the Bamun people are
present, as of the official 2005 census (2014 C. Hamm).
Location: Centre region: border areas; North West region: Ngo-Ketunjia division, north Lake Bamendjing on Ndop plain; West region: southeast Bamboutos division, north Mifi division, Noun division, Foumban area.
present, as of the official 2005 census (2014 C. Hamm).
Location: Centre region: border areas; North West region: Ngo-Ketunjia division, north Lake Bamendjing on Ndop plain; West region: southeast Bamboutos division, north Mifi division, Noun division, Foumban area.
3. State
Documentation: materials
4. Users
Educational attainment
Occupational qualifications
Language competence
5. Use
and Bangolan [bgj]. Lg Use: Most also use French [fra], especially among the Bamun who live in the Centre and West Regions. A few also use Cameroon Pidgin [wes]. A few also use English [eng], especially among the Bamun who live in the NorthWest Region. A few also use Standard Arabic [arb]. Used as L2 by Ghomálá’ [bbj], Medumba [byv], Mengaka [xmg], Tikar [tik]. Lg Dev: Taught as subject in primary and secondary schools. Grammar. Bible: 1988. Writing: Bamum script, taught in schools until 1930s. Latin script. Other: Muslim, Christian, traditional religion